What is Facial Aesthetics?

Facial aesthetic procedures are one of the most common touches that have been used in the last years. Face is such a part of the body that draws attention at first sight. Therefore, an aesthetical, young, fresh and beautiful looking face is important for everyone. Both men and women can demand esthetic facial procedures. To meet that demand and give a more beautiful and young look to the face, we realize esthetic facial procedures inspired by advanced technologies. A natural look of the face is as important as a perfect look. Patients’ priority has been considered esthetic facial procedures. To achieve natural look with no sign of esthetic procedures, you should choose a physician specialist in this field.

What are facial aesthetics procedures?

There are many facial aesthetics surgeries such as face, neck and décolletage. These procedures include face lift, neck lift, face tightening, nose operations, lip operations, ear operations, eye operations, eyebrow lift and chin operations.

The purpose of these procedures is to get a younger, healthier, more dynamic and more beautiful look to the face. To obtain that look, wrinkles are removed, sagging is eliminated and face is lifted up to look younger and fresh. Given that the first signs of aging appear in the face, it is understandable why nowadays facial aesthetics  procedures are so popular.

What are the effects of facial aesthetics procedures?

Skin aging sends the first signals directly to the face. Because of mimics in the eye and thin layers of skin like around the eye, wrinkles around the eye are one of the first effects of aging. Thanks to eyelid lift surgery, wrinkles and drooping in the eyelid can be eliminated. Drooping skin is cut and sutured back to create a more dynamic and younger look.

Another important surgery is forehead lift.  In forehead lift, visibility of the horizontal line in the middle of the forehead and horizontal lines between eyebrows is reduced.  Forehead lift surgery does not affect the patient’s mimics and leaves a slight, almost invisible scar. Because scars of the forehead lift surgery are hidden in the scalp, they are not visible.

Facial aesthetics procedures such as face lift and fat injection are applied to the mid-face area. They aim at bringing a plump look without wrinkles to the mid-face. Because collagen in the body reduce with aging. Due to the reduction of subdermal fat, wrinkles and drooping are seen in the skin. When the face loses its plumpness, it is inevitable to have a paler and older looking skin. Subcutaneous fat fill brings back the facial plumpness and lifts the face up.

How are cosmetic facial procedures applied?

First of all, your needs must be identified. For operations fit for one’s facial lines, the patient and physician decide together. To create a natural look, it is important to take minimal and effective steps.

After the patient’s needs are identified, the procedure is realized. Cosmetic facial procedures are realized under general anesthesia, in the hospital environment.

Because the face has integrity, it is important to apply operations by harmony with one another. Face lift operation should be combined with operations such as neck lift and eyebrow lift. Because a young face and a drooping double chin will not fit together. Different operations can be combined with cosmetic facial procedures. Combined operations not will bring not only economic benefits, but also more effective changes in a single session.

How is the recovery process after cosmetic facial procedures?

You need to stay at the hospital for one day after cosmetic facial procedures. Like in all operations, it is normal to have postoperative edema and swelling. You may feel minimal pain for the first 4 days, but you can take them under control with painkillers.

Bruises and edema in your face will start to disappear after the first week. You can see the effects of the operation from the 10th day on. Sutures are removed after the first week. We recommend to patients to get back to their business life after the second week. You may feel numbness in your face after the operation. You need to be sensitive and easy while doing makeup and applying lotion to your face.